The Golden Crow Chronicles, 349 E.S.

VOL. 1


Baruch & Kortrevich Publishing

Three Minas per Edition

Available in Nauvmarian


New Reza, Haense

Vzmey and Hyff, 349 E.S.

10 pages


Written by: Viktor Kortrevich & Sigmar Baruch

Published by: B&K Publishing

Pg. 1




Royal City of Karosgrad, Haense

As the descendants made the ultimate decision to retreat from the war-torn realm of Arcas, a long journey would stand in their way as they’d make discovery to an unknown land to hopefully call home, that land being Almaris. Human, Elf, Dwarf and Orc alike would take to the seas and after long weeks in open water, eventually the descendants of Arcas would lay anchor to Almaris and soon enough prop up borders and begin construction on their new lives.

The Haeseni populace took settlement in the Northern reaches of Almaris, bordering the Kingdom of Norland. After years of arduous construction labored by noble and common born alike the Royal City of Karosgrad was constructed in relatively swift fashion.

We the writers at B&K Publishing personally welcome the new denizens of Karosgrad; the City of Crows. We yearn for an everlasting state of peace and prosperity to don the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska under the monarchy of King Josef I and the monarchies that beckon after him. We pray for a long and joyous reign as we the Haeseni from noble stock to common stock seek to breed a growing economy and a growing livelihood for our future generations.


Karosgrad City Farms, Haense

In addition to the Haeseni who have traveled from the war-torn realm of Arcas, we welcome those looking to find settlement in a place welcoming to all cultures. On behalf of the Royal House of Barbanov and the Noble Houses of Barclay, Baruch, Kortrevich, Vanir, Ruthern, Ludovar, Amador and Vyronov we welcome you to Karosgrad; the City of Crows.


Written by: Viktor Kortrevich

Pg. 2




Eja! Have you been looking for a proper eatery for your family to dine at? Well, fret no more for the House of Ruthern opens their doors to their very own ‘Hammerhead Cafe & Eatery’. May you dine and enjoy an assortment of fine cuisine courtesy of the honorable House of Ruthern.

* Message GMRO#6495 over Discord for more information!

* Paid for by House Ruthern

Pg. 3




Cathedral of Saint Henrik, Karosgrad

A watercolor painting of the newly-constructed Cathedral

At the consecration of the Cathedral of Saint Henrik, the Haeseni gathered in the atrium of the church, facing toward the apse as the relics of various Highlandic saints were displayed for veneration. At the helm of the consecration stood Bishop Benedict and Father Karl Kortrevich. The billowing smoke from the aurum-gilded thurible emanated from the crevices, emitting an aromatic cloud that thickened in the church. The chants of Flexio and Naumarian benedictions echoed throughout the Cathedral of Saint Henrik. Upon the conclusion of the consecration rites, the priests gathered branches and sprinkled the customary Holy Waters of Gamesh around the walls of the holy sanctuary, sanctifying the grounds for worship.

Written by: Sigmar Baruch

Pg. 4




Oh, prevja! I see you’ve stumbled upon yet another advertisement. Before you flip to the next page, allow me to introduce you to Haense’s very own Barber Shop owned by House Barclay!

If you’re looking for a fresh cut, perhaps even a fade? Stop on by and seat yourself on one of the comfortable leather wrapped seats and await to be blown away by your fresh cut, courtesy of Barclay Fades!

* Message Coolcod#4671 over Discord for more information!

* Paid for by House Barclay

Pg. 5




The Northern Geographical Society Museum, Karosgrad

A watercolor painting of the newly-constructed museum

The Northern Geographical Society is among the most prestigious, international scholastic organization that is made up of distinguished anthropologists, historians, naturalists, cartographers, and other varieties of scholars and adventurers.

President Celestine E. Herbert welcomes an open embrace to those inside the newly constructed flagship museum located in the Royal City of Karosgrad. If you’re interested in joining the tight knit family that is the NGS, President Celestine encourages you to take a deeper dive into the easiest ways one might dedicate their time to the museum from volunteer work to exploratory expeditions!

For more information regarding the Northern Geographical Society and its newly constructed museums in the cities of Karosgrad, Providence and Varhelm, it is highly encouraged that you explore the publicly posted documentation; ‘(The Northern Geographical Society)’ for more information!


Written by: Viktor Kortrevich

Pg. 6




Kortrevich Krafters was established in 1783 by House Kortrevich in partnership with craftsman Tuvya Hus. The craftsman stalls offer an array of woods, furniture, toys and wools for an affordable price for the Haeseni populace.

Along with the many items that Tuvya Hus and House Kortrevich offers at Kortrevich Krafters, Lord Tuvya Hus and Lord Juliyus Kortrevich are skilled in the art of pottery, calligraphy and painting.

For more information regarding the items and services that Kortrevich Krafters sells and offers, please read over the attached advertisement!


* Message Dale#4231 over Discord for more information!

* Paid for by House Kortrevich

Pg. 7




Haeseni Main Docks, Karosgrad

A detailed depiction of the Haeseni Port from eye-level

A new dawn has arrived in the Kingdom of Haense and with that an economy seeks to grow to farther lengths that has yet to be seen by the known world in recent memory. Through the leadership of our Aulic Council and through the advice of our Aulic Ambassadors to our neighbors in Norland, Oren and Krugmar we expect Haeseni commerce to flourish as we are guided under the experience of Lord Treasurer, Edvard Amador.


Haeseni Main Docks, Karosgrad

An illustration of the Haeseni Main Port from the view of a crow’s nest on a nearby ship

We the writers at B&K Publishing seek to pledge a promise to our readers that we will keep our kind readers well-informed on the Kingdom of Haense’s commerce through its many peaks and troughs. In addition, we highly encourage that you, a Haeseni native support our local businesses that are run by a numerous tally of Houses from the likes of; Barclay, Baruch, Kortrevich and Ruthern among many more!

Written by: Sigmar Baruch

Pg. 8




The Baruch Trading Company was an idea formed from Duke Matyas and Maverik Baruch. The House of Baruch had acquired a decent sum from their part in Baruch & Kortrevich Publishing, and subsequently Matyas’ grandfather’s successful “Golden Crow Chronicles”.  Also, the “Baruch’s Bees” shop had some profits as well – the Baruchs had already established themselves as adept businessmen.

With this money, the two cousins afforded a shopfront in New Reza with the idea of selling products often enjoyed in the much further northern reaches of Haense. They stocked the shelves, hoping to spread aspects of far-northern culture to the Royal City. Come on down get your dip, liquor, and toys!


* Message hippo#0985 over Discord for more information!

* Paid for by House Baruch

Pg. 9



Ekaterinburg Palace Courtyard, New Reza, 347 E.S.

Execution of Lord Hektor Stafyr, Count of Nenzing

After the controversial sentencing of Michael van Gelderhode, a member of a known bandit organization called Redfist. After a conviction by the jovenaars, the sentencing that followed was fraught with controversy as onlookers protested the manner of the Mister van Gelderhode’s limb removal. Many of the witnesses who saw the incident carried out by Sir Osvald Barclay and members of the HRA decried the barbarity of crushing Mister van Gelderhode’s shoulder bones before the removal of his arm.

Since then, protests and acts of disturbance of the king’s peace have led to violent clashes with the HRA and those onlookers. Many of the witnesses participating in these acts of civil disobedience are members of the Wick family, Mister Reginald Abner Townsend, and the late Lord Hektor Stafyr. These events erupted into several clashes with HRA soldiers who sought to quell violence brought on by these discontents. This culminated into a standoff between the discontents and Koeng Josef I in front of the New Reza library. Lord Hektor Stafyr was alleged to have spouted remarks in repudiation of the koeng, leading to his imprisonment and conviction of treason by the unanimous decision of the Aulic Court.


Written by: Bishop Benedict

Pg. 10


Lord Marius Karl Baruch

Count of Ayr

“The Old”


A mural of Marius Baruch, circa. 1690

Marius Karl Baruch was born in Markev in 1631 as the youngest son of Aldrik Baruch. Not much is recorded from his childhood as record keeping at the time was lackluster. In 1674, Marius took over as the Count of Ayr. The next recorded event of Marius’ life was his marriage to Juliya Amador. Marius went on to have three children; Andrik, Sigmar, and Kamilla. For the majority of  their lives they lived in Greyguard Hold. Marius had 7 grandchildren in total, many contributing greatly to Haense. Not long after having the first of his grandchildren, Greyguard Hold was attacked by the Arberrang heretics who seeked to destroy Haense and eventually led to the start of the Third Atlas Coalition War. Marius’ two sons and wife were murdered by the Arberrang dogs (this left an unclear succession as the eldest grandchild took the cloth. The title of heir fell to his grandson Jan Baruch, son of Sigmar Eirik Baruch). Marius returned to Markev and petitioned the Crown to move against Arberrang with the aid of his dear friend Rhys var Ruthern, but it was only after Arberrang moved against the Kingdom of Haense that Marius was given a chance to retake his home. Marius aided in the siege of Greyguard Hold, as he knew the weak points and assisted in retaking the castle. Marius’ home was returned to him after defeating Arberrang and he soon moved back into his old keep.

In 1695, Marius abdicated to his grandson Jan Baruch. Marius then joined the Imperial Parliament as Lord Temporal and was named as the leader of the Judicial Committee within the Parliament until he stepped down in 1702. This is about the time in which he developed a feud with Henrik Ludovar which carried on throughout he and Henrik’s life. In 1707,  Marius was named the prosecutor for the trial of Jakob Ludovar v. Crown. This case is studied as one of the greatest in Haeseni history, as the famed Fabius Brachuus defended Prince Jakob against Marius. Marius eventually won the case against Jakob, leading to the demise of the young Prince. This was only a few years before the War of The Two Emperors. In 1715, the War sparked, which led to the betrayal of his grandson also known as the Count of Ayr, Jan Baruch. Marius was forced to disown the grandson he raised and swear and oath of fealty to King Marius II. He promised to raise his great grandson, Sigmar Joren Baruch, to be the next Count of Ayr. From that day until his last, he sat on the Regency Council of Sigmar and served as it’s leading member. In Marius’ last days, he served as a reminder of what could be overcome and how resilient Baruchs truly were. Marius passed away in 1724 due to natural causes.

*Excerpted from the ‘The History of House Baruch’ documentation



Editor’s Note:

Welcome to Karosgrad,

Regarding Future Editions 

We would like to welcome and bid good fortune to the men and women of Haense who have found new occupancy in the Royal City of Karosgrad and extend our reception on behalf of King Josef to those who seek a home for themselves and their kin.

We the Writers at B&K Publishing wish to remind our readers that each edition that is published at the end of every year pertains to the events that took place the years prior. We as a small working force work as swiftly as possible to put out our publishings in an efficient and cohesive manner.


This concludes Edition 17 of The Golden Crow Chronicles, Edition 18 will be ready by the end of 1799.